The Madison was a popular line dance in the late 1950s. The 1961 "San Francisco Stomp" meets the definition of a line dance.[2][3] At least five line dances that are strongly associated with country-western music were written in the 1970s, two of which are dated to 1972: "Walkin' Wazi"[4][5] and "Cowboy Boogie",[6][7][8] five years before the disco craze created by the release of Saturday Night Fever in 1977, the same (approximate) year the "Tush Push" was created.[9] The Electric Slide was a Disco-based line dance created and popularized in the mid-1970s. The "L.A. Hustle" began in a small Los Angeles disco in the Summer of 1975, and hit the East Coast (with modified steps) in Spring of '76 as the "Bus Stop.[10][11] Another 70s line dance is the Nutbush.[12]