Pls excuse the inevitable delay to report the recent incident as I was travelling abroad. On the evening of June 5th, at 9pm , I went to my car which was parked on the ground floor behind the handicapped parking spaces. And to my great annoyance , a red MB car was parked haphazzardly protruding into my lane (see attached photos) preventing me to open my car's door. I called a carpark attendant over to witness the scene and subject was relunctant to offer any explanation perhaps for some "known" reason but beyond my comprehension. In fact, it is the parking attendants duties to see that all cars park properly wittin the lane markers. I can only surmise that this particular attendant was perhaps afraid of this particular driver/member to say anything. Is the club allow special privileges to certain members????
Finally, I had to enter my car from the front passenger door and climbed over to my driver seat with great pain on my back and knee since I was wearing a special belt / stay to support my back. Before driving home.
This asinine behavior displayed by the owner, of the red car regardless of his or her elite position in society should be severely reprimanded for the inexcusable behavior aforementioned.
Looking forward to hear of the pending action to be rendered against the violator and thanking you in advance for your anticipated reply and acknowledgement in regard to the reported incident.