Hello ..Excuse me
I want know something about your friend.
Please help me.
I am friend of Amyud. Amyud is best friend of me.
Amyud live in Sudan in Khartum city. He ever chat with me everyday. But now he lost 4 days by not reason. He lost from Facebook him. ..I'm worried him so much
He ever tell me that you are best his friend and you are him brother. In last day you went Saudi Arabia he chat with me and he cry and so sad and he tell me that best friend of him go far from his. I know that you are best friend of his...Now he lost from FB. Normally he will play FB everyday . But maybe have something happen with his. I fear that he will not safe.Or he maybe sick.
I need know that he is how? How is he?
He fine or Not fine. He safe or Not safe?
I fear that he will have accident. I maybe so worry about his. I cannot connect his.
I ask you .Please please connect Amyud. If you can connect his , please send message to me.Please tell me about his. He is one important in mylife. I care his so much.
I sorry that i distrub you . You maybe think he maybe not want chat with me , i ever think same you .But i feel that not reason only. Because he lost from his facebook too. If he not want chat with me , I not angry ..Wish enough he safe and fine..I want know ..Please help me , please..
You one only can help me please... -/-
I am Buddhist .Everyday now i pray give his . and meditation..For he safe, Wish he fine..I hope.
If you can connect his, please tell me that he fine or not how ..please connect his ..Thank you so much ..Thank you ..I'm sorry.