the average heat consumption is about 100 kWh/(m2a). Santamouris [25] analyzed 320 school buildings from different regions in Greece, concluding that the average heating energy consumption is of 68 kWh/(m2a) and that 25% of all Greek school buildings boast- ing the lowest values consume less than 32 kWh/(m2a). However, a study by the German Fraunhofer Institute [18] determined a maxi- mum average value of 211 kWh/(m2a). In contrast, another German study [17] provided very different results. This can be explained, on the one hand, with the sample size ([17] is higher by a factor of ten than the sample size of the Fraunhofer study [18]),and, on the other, with the selection of the buildings (only energy-efficient buildings or a large range of building types). This example shows that many conclusions on energy consumption need to be regarded with caution. Therefore, benchmark analysis is always necessary in order to know which types of buildings and which boundary
conditions (heating degree days, floor area, etc.) were used.