The paper, based on an industrial case study, explores possibilities for environmental improvements in
the painting process of the manufacture of central heating boilers. The goal is to identify opportunities to
prevent or limit the environmental impacts of the painting process. The evaluation problem was
formulated as a multi-attribute decision-making model and solved using a combined approached of
analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and the technique for order preference by similarity to ideal solution
(TOPSIS) approach. AHP was used to determine the essential weighting factors. Alternatives ranking was
conducted using TOPSIS. This evaluation summarized benefits of a clean, non-polluting technology that
effectively eliminates the use of hazardous solvents and prevents the generation of volatile organic
emissions and hazardous solid waste. Results show that the most appropriate improvement option to be
implemented in the considered company is a paint shop equipped with its own air supply, exhaust fans
and heating system.