Three nations to cooperate on ships’ safety in Straits (9 words)
Move to save wild elephants (5 words)
Laotian students to be accepted to study at NIDA (9 words)
The headlines with a subject and an adjective phrase:
Prime Minister still wants to beef up military (to beef up = to strengthen by addition, reinforcement, etc.)
Laos leader rules out post-poll policy shifts (to rule out == to exclude by decision)
Govt calls for approval on helmet law (to call for = to demand, require)
Oil price will soar up in 2015 (to soar up = to rise up with a rush)
Police crack down on students’ riots (to crack down on = to suppress)
Hopewell takes over sky tram project (to take over = to assume control or possession of)
Opposition turns down Govt’s new budget (to turn down = to refuse, reject)
Troops ordered to fan out at Thai-Burma border (to fan out = to spread out like a fan or disperse)
UN clock winds down on loggers ( (to wind down = to become slack, relax, or come to an end slowly or time is running out)
(to wind up = to get ready, close, or bring to an end)
Paiboon clocks out as director of EGAT (to clock out = to depart from work), (to clock in = to arrive at work)
Wimol keeps off 5 party move (to keep off = to stay away from)
Clinton banks on nomination of Cabinet (to bank on = to count on, depend on)
Charles-Diana scandals raked over worldwide (to rake over = to discuss, gossip about)
Credit card giants team up on security for internet shopping (to team up = to co-operate)
PDP vows to iron out traffic problem (to iron out = to resolve or smooth as if using a hot iron)
Thailand shrugs off China’s warning (to shrug off = to reject or dismiss with a shrug)
New budget proposal all screwed up (to screw up = to spoil)
TV talk show lashed out yesterday (to lash out = to attack, criticize)