3. Results and Discussion
3.1. Nutritional Composition 0f Chiffon Cake
Moisture contents of cake added with YCE were significantly lower than control (Table 2). This may be
related to different water holding capacity of the YCE and flour. In a previous study, it was reported that
moisture content of chiffon cake decreased with higher addition of gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA) tea
powder due to lower water holding capacity of GABA tea powder compared to cake flour [8]. In the present
study, even though protein content of cake added with YCE increase in line (13.3 to 15.7%) with the levels of
YCE (10 to 30%), but there was no significant different compared to control. In other nutrient, fat contents in
chiffon cake added with YCE also showed no significant variation compared to control. However, ash content
was found in the increasing order of 0 (control) < 10 < 20 < 30 g/100 g samples. Initially, we found that
Malaysian YCE contains 21.2% protein, 1.3% fat, 7.6% ash and 38.7% dietary fibre [9]. Due to substitution
of wheat flour in chiffon cake formulation with 10 to 30 g/100g YCE, the proximate composition, especially
moisture and ash were affected accordingly.
Table 2. Nutritional compositions of chiffon cake with different levels of YCE powder