Proper preparation and modification of MMT and, then,
selection of an adequate technique for introducing this
component into the PLA matrix, are basic conditions to
produce an exfoliated nanocomposite. The methods for
MMT modification (exchange of inorganic cations with
organic ones [3]) and combining it with the PLA matrix
(polymerisation in-situ, solvent technique, or blending
with a plasticised polymer [1]) which have been used to
date are still being improved (e.g., in relation to antibacterial
properties of the product [9]). This enables preparation
of PLA-MMT nanocomposites showing better and
better quality; and to find newapplications for the products
[10–12]. The existing methods for determination of
permeability of these materials and evaluation of the MMT
dispersion are still being developed and newones are being
created, which leads to the improvement of the relevant
production processes