Dear Mr. To
I was the deal with you for the inspiring and I look forward to disappoint me! The deal inde spend a lot of time and a lot of people knew the deal shows the difference in width of your responsibility not even recognize your authorized agent of Korea Mr. Kim has no qualifications between the parties. Send to attach legal documents and listed US Treasury official agent. The official cause of death to you and will proceed based on the contract agreement and you send a hard copy to the Korea Exchange Bank until January 20th. If it does not do you no choice but penalties and legal restrictions.
Please refer to the answers. Send a legal agent to complete the mandate of the contracts with the US Treasury indemnity system that you sent. I do not deal with your authorized agent Korea. And if the deal sueopda give him anything because he thinks only of his knowing also benefit business and no accountability. So now it will give the chance to the choice of last resort for you.