Essential fatty acids have a ton of benefits on your body and its cells. They help with cellular development and the formation of healthy cell membranes, and they have actually been shown to block tumor formation in animals, as well as block the growth of human breast cancer cells.
Essential fatty acids assist in the development and function of the brain and nervous system, and they help regulate proper thyroid and adrenal activity. They play a role in thinning your blood, which can prevent blood clots that lead to heart attacks and stroke. They also possess natural anti-inflammatory qualities that can relieve symptoms of both arthritis and other autoimmune system diseases.
Essential fatty acids regulate blood pressure, immune responses and liver function, as well as help with blood clotting and breaking down cholesterol. They also help you look good, as a diet low in these fatty acids has been shown to create skin problems, including eczema, dandruff, split nails and brittle hair.