he survival of humanity is inextricably linked with the concept
and emergence of sustainable development. Development as
a process of work reproduction is permeated through all segments
of society, and its successful implementation requires good governance,
or broadly speaking good management [1,2].
In the early seventies ofthe 20th century, a systematic study and
monitoring of pollution and environmental protection have begun.
Nowadays, due to the development of management practice, there
is a perceived need to provide a healthy living environment for
future generations Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a technique for assessing various
aspects associated with development of product and its potential
impact throughout its life [3,4]. LCA includes definition of goal
and scope, inventory analysis, impact assessment and interpretation
of results [3,5–7]. The goal and scope definition describes the
underlying question (objective), the system, its boundaries and the
definition of a functional unit. The flows of pollutants, materials
and resources are recorded in inventory analysis. These elementary
flows (emissions, resource consumption, etc.) are characterizedand
aggregated for different environmental problems in impact assessment
and finally conclusions are drawn in interpretation stage. LCA
applications are comparisons of different products and systems, or
different materials production or recycling methods. LCA can be
used as a tool to detect potentials for improvements with the aim
to reduce the impact on human health, environment and resource
depletion Undoubtedly, working processes within the framework of sustainable
development include environmental pollution in the
certain extant, and thus, particular kinds of materials and substances
are the subject of environmental research. The studies that
are in scope of this paper are in the domain of printing industry
as a relatively low source polluter of the environment, but the
presented concepts, methodology and results are the authors’ contribution
to the sustainable development management