3. Results
3.1. Client owned cats
A total of 153 blood and serum samples were collected from
cats at various ages. Gender and neuter status were classified into
intact female (18.3%), spayed female (29.4%), intact male (27.5%),
and castrated male (24.8%) groups. The majority of the cats lived
in single cat households (75.2%), and most (54.9%) lived exclusively
indoors. Approximately 50% of the cats had been exposed to fleas
but only 32.7% were currently infested. Flea control products had
been applied to 44.4% (68 of 153) of the cats; however 20.6% (14
of 68) of these cats had fleas. Conversely, 43.4% (36 of 83) of the
cats without flea control had a current flea infestation.