1. Host a lure party
One item that can be placed on PokéStops is called a "lure module." Once activated, lure modules will attract wild Pokémon (and, more important, players) to that location. Consider buying a package of lure modules and advertising a night as "'Pokémon Go' Lure Party!" If your business is on or near a PokéStop, hosting a lure party could be a great way to bring players to your establishment. It's a cheap and easy form of marketing; create a "Pokémon Go" account by downloading it for free from the Google Play or App stores, buy a package of lure modules with a few dollars of real-world cash, and then just set them up at your nearest PokéStop. Each lure is active for 30 minutes, so you can use them in succession to create a lure party that lasts as long as you'd like. Coupling a lure party with some special deals could be a great way to bring in some extra money.
- See more at: http://www.businessnewsdaily.com/9228-pokemon-go-business-strategy.html#sthash.H8YGqq7j.dpuf