This woman just passed a few comfortable days, she started to again.
Because she was afraid it will alarm Li Concubine, Ye Zhen Zhen did not go to Lu Hua Palace to catch Chen Ke, but to wait at a path where he will definitely pass through, knocked him out and placed in a sack and brought him to Kun Ning Palace.
Chen Ke was already feeling guilty inside, when he was released from the sack, he was scared until he was speaking incoherent words.
Ye Zhen Zhen did not waste time with him “admit to the crime, I will spare your life, do not admit, die”
“i..i.. do not understand what your majesty is talking about” Chen Ke does not dare to admit, after he admit, confirmed he will not live —– To harm an imperial consort, this type of crime it was enough for him to die a thousand times.
“Seems like you do not believe me? I will only say this one time, if you admit I can get you out of the palace earlier, and help you go far from here, change your name and all. Li Concubine has some power in the palace, but her hands can’t stretch beyond that. She can’t.. I Can”
Chen Ke remained quiet.
“You think that you will live if you don’t admit? Even if I don’t kill you, as long as I show any signs of suspicion, Li Concubine would most probably not let you live?”
Chen Ke’s expression seems to be in pain, inside this palace, he was not looking to be someone, but only wanted to peacefully live, but it really was so hard. Earlier on Li Concubine used his life to threaten him, and made him do that, now he is threaten by the empress. This servant’s life are really hard to live.
Seeing that Chen Ke is contemplating, Ye Zhen Zhen ask Wang You Cai to bring in a bucket, inside it was a fired up coal stack. Wang You Cai placed the bucket in front of Chen Ke, Ye Zhen Zhen smiled “I have eaten too much pork legs, I have always wanted to try the taste of human’s hands, why not you give me the chance?”
The moment she completed her sentence, Wang You Cai catch on to his hands and was moving towards the coal, Chen Ke shocked started to shout and struggle, but was caught by two strong eunuchs at the back, unable to move.
Compared to oral threaten, nothing is more successful than the torture right now, Chen Ke was looking at his hands almost touching the coal, and feeling the heat from the coal, he finally shouted “ I will tell, I will tell, I will say everything”
We cannot deny, there are less truly hard boned people.
That multiple shot gun was really found by Chen Ke. That person loves guns like wives, but in Da Qi, towards the ownership of a gun was very strict, he could not own one, when he coincidently found one, even though he knew it belonged to the empress, but because he loved it too much, and wanted to play a bit with it only for a few days and will return after. But who knew, he got found out by Li Concubine, and she thought that since this item was lost by the empress, then there was no need to return it, and who knew if it could be used in the future, so she ordered Chen Ke to fix it. Chen Ke was happy initially and fixed the gun.
After that Wang Zhao Yi got pregnant, Li Concubine was very jealous, and wanted to frame the empress, so she used this one stone killing two birds plan, and hurt Wang Zhao Yi to frame the empress.
After listening to his recall, Ye Zhen Zhen ask “Where is the gun? I think the evidence would have been destroyed?”
Chen Ke replied “Li Concubine did ask me to destroy the evidence, but I couldn’t do it, and kept it secretly, right now at where I live”
Ye Zhen Zhen thinks that this person was really brave, but this way it was way easier to deal with the case.
Today, Ye Zhen Zhen gathered everyone at Kun Ning Palace and infront of everyone she interrogated Li Concubine.
Ever since Li Concubine found out Chen Ke went missing yesterday, she realise something was wrong. But then again, thinking that the evidence was destroyed, as long as she insist that she was framed, most probably the empress can’t do anything to her. Therefore she stood up to the empress without a change of expression.
But what she did not know was that Ye Zhen Zhen ordered people to get the evidence and Chen Ke admitted in front of everyone, that the item was found by him and used to harm Wang Zhao Yi, as well as show the evidence that Li Concubine wanted him to destroy.
Also this gun was found in Lu Hua Palace.
Li Concubine’s face darken, although was denying, no one believed her anymore.
The evidence was very solid, Ye Zhen Zhen’s enemy also can’t help her say anything, and can only see how the empress punish her. The whole time Ji Wu Jiu was acting mute, and in the end only said, “Li Concubine is demoted to be Su Jie Yu, the rest the empress may settle”
Ye Zhen Zhen ordered people to bring Su Jie Yu outside Kun Ning Palace and to be flogged 40 times. The person that was going to act out the punishment has already communicated with Ye Zhen Zhen, to use all their might to hit her, as long as in the end she is still alive.
After 40 hits, Su Jie Yu was already very pale, with weak breaths. To be hit infront of so many servants, is much more embarrassing then getting demoted.
“Su Jie Yu harmed imperial consort and bloodline, she was not supposed to be forgiven. Just that the empress dowager and the emperor is kind, today I have punished her with 40 hits. In the future if anyone dares to do anything that should not be done, I will definitely not forgive!”
Although there were many people there, not a sound can be heard.
Ji Wu Jiu was standing next to Ye Zhen Zhen, looking at her. Her charismatic expression, really looks like a little tiger. Her eyes were shiny, under the thick eyelashes, looks like a glittering black pearl, making people subconsciously fall for her.
Ye Zhen Zhen did not realise Ji Wu Jiu’s gaze, full of power she said “Today I will end it here, next time if anyone wants to do anything againsts the rules, I will definitely let them die beautifully!”
Ye Zhen Zhen let everyone off after her warning. Today to show her power a bit, surely there will be calmer days for some time.
After everyone left, Ji Wu Jiu was still standing there looking at Ye Zhen Zhen. She then asked “Your majesty, do you have anything that you want to say to me?”
—-Sorry. Ji Wu Jiu opened his mouth, but that word was stuck in his throat, and could not be pushed out no matter what.