Blazing Palm 1 +1 16m Target Instant Instant Yes
Shoots a bolt of fire at the targeted enemy from a distance.
This ability stacks the Ember effect debuff on the enemy target, which you can stack up to five times. Ember lasts for 10 seconds, and its timer is reset each time you reapply the effect. These stacks can essentially be consumed by other skills such as Impact and Short Fuse to increase the damage those skills do.
Stance Change: Changes to Fire Mode
Stage 1: Detonates on five Ember stacks. Secret: Creates one Flame Orbit on critical hits.
Stage 2: Does additional damage to Burning enemies and stacks more Ember on them.
Stage 3: Bounces between enemies within 8 meters and absorbs some damage dealt as HP. Secret: Recovers 5 Focus per enemy hit.
Barrage 10 -1 16m Target Instant Instant During Dash, Jump, or Glide skills No
Fires three bolts that deal damage to a targeted enemy.