This is another story submitted via private message that pertains to the Saint Peters Area. This looks like the last private message about the area. So unless more are sent for sharing this will be the last story about the Saint Peters/Quigley’s dam for now.
It was a clear full moon in mid-July about 9 years ago when my step brother, his friend and I were walking down the road on my birthday. I was in the middle, my brother beside me and his friend on the right side closest to the woods.
Surrounded by trees on either side this bright summer night was a great night for a walk. We start down the road from my father’s place, a beer in each of our hands. As we got down the road I hear something/someone following us on the left side in the woods and it sounded big. The other two guys didn't hear it so we kept walking.
A little further I hear it again and tell them to stop and listen. They didn't hear anything and told me to stop messing around so we kept walking. Just about at Quigley's dam I hear it again and make my brother and friend stop. They don't hear it again but this time after we start moving again something big lunged out of the woods from the left side of the road on the Quigley’s side. It landed on the road in front of us.
We looked at this thing in the moonlight as it began to stand before we ran. I am a pretty tall guy and this thing looked bigger than me. We screamed, threw our beers in a panic and ran up the road towards my father’s place as fast as possible. When it first gave chase it was on its back two legs and then the next time I looked back it was on all four legs.
After making it passed the old rail road tracks before my father’s house, I looked back and it was gone. I have never seen it again after that night but my brother and his friend and I still talk about it to this day.