Larvae of H.taltula were described as having a much clearer head
than S. medara. We observed the presence of a prosternal gland on
S. medara, but Zenker et al.(2007) did not mention the structure. On
head chaetotaxy, the differences concern the presence of the pores
MDa andMGa,not observedinS. medara, and, onthe otherhand,the
presence of the pore SSa in S. medara which is absent in H. taltula.
The other difference consists of a mere inaccuracy. If the drawing
of the head in lateral view provided by Zenker et al. (2007) is right,
then the SS group are misnamed. Thus, SS1 is actually SS2, SS2 is
actually SS3 and SS1 is not named, but it is represented ventral and
forward to antennal socket on genal area. Therefore, the SS group
in both species is quite similar. The number, sizes and organization
of the stemmata are also strikingly similar on both species. General