1 Review Weather Levels 1 and 2 portfolios and continue to put work in portfolios.
2 Make weather graph showing daily temperatures and put in portfolio.
3 With or without assistance, differentiate among four seasons. Draw picture for each season and put in portfolio.
4 With or without assistance, identify at least 2 characteristics of each season. Make list and put in portfolio.
5 With or without assistance, make collage about different kinds of weather. Put in portfolio.
6 With or without assistance, make poster about different types of weather. Put in portfolio.
7 Find weather information in local newspaper. Put information in portfolio.
8 Interpret weather conditions based on information you hear or see in media. Watch weather report on news. Put information in portfolio.
9 Write story or journal entry about weather. Put story in portfolio.
10 Using role play, practice being weather reporter and talk or write about weather. Put script in portfolio.