Previous research on mobile marketing has focussed on textmessages, as discussed above. However, with smartphones, mar-keting can also be achieved through mobile website content andapplications. Indeed, findings from this study showthat thereis a strong correlation between the quality of mobile web-sites/applications and how positively or negatively consumers feeltowards a brand. 77.5% of all respondents either strongly agreed ortended to agree that they feel irritated when websites do not workwell on their handsets (mean 4.34) and 72.2% either strongly agreedor tended to agree that they feel positively towards a brand with amobile website that looks good and is easy to use (mean 4.17). Fur-ther, Table 4 shows that the average rating value for all statementsis above 3.5, including those relating to applications. Fig. 2 indi-cates that smartphone users feel even more negatively than otherconsumers towards companies that provide a poor mobile expe-rience and more positively towards brands that provide useful orentertaining mobile apps.