In the fi rst round, the data were collected from informants who specialize in hardware, software,
information and technology services and telecommunication services by the open-ended
questionnaires and content analysis was used to interpret the data. All the of results are categorized
into three parts: the personal mastery (PM), including the desirable knowledge skills and abilities of
ICT workforces in enhancing learning organization , the mental model (MM), including the desirable
attitudes, values, perception sand personality of ICT workforces enhancing learning organization, and
the work behaviors of ICT workforces, including shared vision, team learning and systems thinking.
The research results are presented below:
• The personal mastery of the ICT workforces that is required for the learning organization
consists of 3 parts: in total 29 characteristics, fi fteen characteristics of the desirable knowledge, seven
characteristics of the desirable skills and seven characteristics of the desirable abilities.
• The mental model of the ICT workforces that is necessary for the learning organization consists
of 4 aspects: in total of 33 characteristics. The 33 characteristics were divided into 6 characteristics for
attitudes, 10 characteristics for values, 8 characteristics for vision, and 9 characteristics for personality
• The desirable work behaviors (WB) showing that the ICT workforces could encourage the
learning organization were 44 characteristics categorized into 3 parts. The 15 characteristics were
divided in the shared vision section. The 20 characteristics were related to team learning and the 9
characteristics were related to systems thinking.
The results of the fi rst questionnaires were gathered and analyzed to create the second round
questionnaires which had 5 rating scales. Then, the questionnaires were applied with the specialists for
the second round.
After gathering the data from 19 experts in the second round, the data were analyzed and the third
round questionnaires were developed. Then, the questionnaires were sent to the same 19 experts to