be able to properly evaluate the risks, the effects and the potential
impacts of these products.
The Three Gorges Reservoir is from Chongqing (west) to Yichang
of Hubei province (east) and the distance is about 662.9 km. The
main part of the Three Gorges Reservoir situates in Chongqing
region. It is used as source water of water plant and recreational
source of water as well as its use for hydroelectric power. The total
population in the Chongqing Municipality was 31.44 million. So the
study about the antibiotics in this area is necessary and important.
The continual exposure of the bacterial fauna to even small
concentrations of antibiotics or active metabolites could lead to the
emergence or persistence of resistant bacteria strains (Obst et al.,
2006). Moreover, previously studies showed that most of the
antibiotic compounds displayed direct toxic effects (Sendzik et al.,
2005; Park and Choi, 2008) and also, adverse effects in mixture
were observed (Pomati et al., 2006)
be able to properly evaluate the risks, the effects and the potentialimpacts of these products.The Three Gorges Reservoir is from Chongqing (west) to Yichangof Hubei province (east) and the distance is about 662.9 km. Themain part of the Three Gorges Reservoir situates in Chongqingregion. It is used as source water of water plant and recreationalsource of water as well as its use for hydroelectric power. The totalpopulation in the Chongqing Municipality was 31.44 million. So thestudy about the antibiotics in this area is necessary and important.The continual exposure of the bacterial fauna to even smallconcentrations of antibiotics or active metabolites could lead to theemergence or persistence of resistant bacteria strains (Obst et al.,2006). Moreover, previously studies showed that most of theantibiotic compounds displayed direct toxic effects (Sendzik et al.,2005; Park and Choi, 2008) and also, adverse effects in mixturewere observed (Pomati et al., 2006)
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