To ensure consistency and to balance structured and unstructured time, CLT members follow a visit plan during their quarterly visits to facilities. Before each visit, the CLT member reviews facilityspecific APEX scorecard measures as a basis for discussing strengths and opportunities for improvement with the workforce. The plan includes rounding in each area of the facility, visits with at least three residents, and “no-hidden-agenda” time spent in conversation with workforce members. At luncheon chats during these visits, CLT members meet employees hired within the past 90 days, discuss the vision and values, and ask for identified strengths and opportunities for improvement. In addition, CLT members personally recognize employees who have earned APEX Performance Awards, which are based on scorecard measures achieved and employees going above and beyond the values. After the visit, comments and suggestions received are entered into TillingNet to discern patterns and trends and to track improvements. When TL institutes an improvement based on input from the workforce, the communication about the change recognizes the workforce members suggesting the improvement.