Waterpipe smoking is a form of tobacco
smoking that is witnessing a surge in
popularity all over the world [1–4].
Concerns about the health risk of waterpipe
smoking have been voiced [5,6],
and the few studies conducted about
the health effects suggest that it leads
to cancer, genetic damage, diseases
of the lungs and other conditions in
active and passive smokers [7–12]. A
recent systematic review highlighted
the association of waterpipe smoking
with lung cancer and respiratory illness
among other deleterious effects [13].
Thus, waterpipe is considered by the
World Health Organization (WHO)
a global public health threat [5], and
given the increasing number of people
smoking the waterpipe, it is essential
to study its health effects with renewed
emphasis [14].
Waterpipe smoking is a form of tobaccosmoking that is witnessing a surge inpopularity all over the world [1–4].Concerns about the health risk of waterpipesmoking have been voiced [5,6],and the few studies conducted aboutthe health effects suggest that it leadsto cancer, genetic damage, diseasesof the lungs and other conditions inactive and passive smokers [7–12]. Arecent systematic review highlightedthe association of waterpipe smokingwith lung cancer and respiratory illnessamong other deleterious effects [13].Thus, waterpipe is considered by theWorld Health Organization (WHO)a global public health threat [5], andgiven the increasing number of peoplesmoking the waterpipe, it is essentialto study its health effects with renewedemphasis [14].
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