For each locus, the electrophoretic banding pattern of each
samplewas interpreted allozymically, that is, the allozyme with the
least electrophoretic mobility from the cathode was designated as
allele a. A phenogramwas constructed using the Unweighted Paire
Group Method with Arithmetic averages (Sneath and Sokal 1978)
analysis of pair wise comparisons of the proportion of loci that
showed fixed allelic differences between red-spotted tokay geckos
from different localities. Allele frequency and genetic differentiation
(FST value) were calculated by GenePop on the web program.
The genetic structurewas generated based on analysis of molecular
variance using program Arlequin 3.5 (Excoffier and Lischer 2010).
The correlation between genetic and geographic distances was
calculated using Isolation by Distance web service version 3.23
(Jensen et al 2005).