Shere Khan appears about 30 minutes into the film. He is seen stalking a deer. Just as he is about to pounce on it, the deer is frightened off by Colonel Hathi and his elephants. The elephants are soon stopped by Bagheera the panther. Shere Khan listens in on the conversation and much to his delight, he learns that Mowgli the man-cub is missing. After he has finished listening, Shere Khan decides to hunt down Mowgli and kill him, for no other reason than the boy is a human. Khan later hears Kaa the snake singing (to Mowgli) and becomes suspicous. On searching the snake, he finds nothing and continues his search. That same night, Shere Khan finds Mowgli with the vultures. He attempts to scare the boy but with no success. It is only when Khan leaps at him that the man-cub realises how dangerous the tiger truly is. Baloo the bear arrives and holds Khan's tail to allow Mowgli a chance to escape. Eventually, Shere Khan attacks Baloo and presumably kills him. As the vultures distract the tiger, Mowgli ties a burning branch to Shere Khan's tail. Shere Khan runs into the distance.