Ethical issues influence nearly every aspecr of mildlfe managemenr
from irs broad principles ro specific decisions. The in flu^
ence of ethics on rhe broad principles of wildlife rnanagemcnr
isillustraced hy The Wildlife Society's ('I%'S) vision sraremenr:
TWS seeks a world where people and wildlife co-rxisr. wherr
biolog~cal dlversiq is mainrained, and decisions affecting the
management, use, and consrrvanon ofwildlife and theirhab~~
rats are madr after carrful consideration of relevanr scienrfic
intbrmation and with the engageman ~nsdu pport of an in
formsd and canng cicizenr)
How can rhis vision be realized without addresslng~ssuessuch
as: Why should people care about wildlife and biodiversity? Is
the need lo care only brcausr wildlift and biodiversity are useful
ro humans or also because rhey are valuable in their own
righr? What exactly does it mean to conserve wildlife and their
hahirar? Fur example. both Aldo Leopold and Giflord Pinchot
wrore abour conservation, bur the11 ideas about the meaning
of conservation difier profoundly .4n appreciation of modern
environmental ethics helps one to address issues such as these
intelligently and therefore fully understand the TWS vision