1) Knowledge is fine, but useless without creativity. You need creativity to solve a problem and not only for arts. Creativity is something you have, but after years in school you loose it.
2) Our supply chain sucks. The way out products are made is very complex. It is difficult to see where the process starts, but usually it involves some kind of slavery (cotton, metals, diamonds, rare earth elements for smartphones.., production of devices (Playstation, iPod...in Foxconn ), which leads to number 3)
3) When you buy something you also approve it. By getting an iPod, shoes or diamonds you say "I think it is a good thing that you do it and how you do it, make more of them".
4) Good grades and status on paper are no primary goals. The primary goal is to make this earth a better place. However good grades and status make this a lot easier. For example if you develop some tech or solve a problem you get a PhD. This is nice but it is only half the way. You also have to make sure, that it is used to the benefit to those who need it. For example to clean up our supply chain (it is ok to use tech as a slave)