BOD Bottom Of Descent
BOW Basic Operating Weight
BRG Bearing
BRK Breaker
BRT Bright ; Brightness
BTL Bottle
C Collective
°C Celsius / Centigrade(degrees)
CAB Cabin
CAN Control Area Network (bus)
CAPTS Captions
CAS Crew Alerting System
CAS Calibrated Airspeed
CAT Category
CB Circuit Breaker
C/B Circuit Breaker
CCD Cursor Control Device
CCW Counter Clock-Wise
CFUR Critical Failure (ECC)
CG Center of Gravity
CHM Chime
CHRG Charge
CIO Control Input/Output (MAU Module)
CKPT Cockpit
CLPR Caliper
CLR Clear
CLTV Collective
CMC Central Maintenance Computer
CMC-RT Central Maintenance Computer Remote Terminal
CMS Central Maintenance System
COLL Collective
COLL Collision
COM Communication
COMM Communication
COND Conditioning
CONTR Control
CP Control Panel
CPLT Copilot
CPL Coupled
CRS Course
CRZ Cruise
CSIO Custom Input/Output (MAU Module)
CSL Console
CT Current Transformer
CTO Continued Take-Off
CVR Cockpit Voice Recorder
CW Clock-Wise
CWS Central Warning System
DC Direct Current
DC Display Controller
DC Down Counter
DCL Deceleration