So you think you want to a be a lawyer…well, it’s not as easy or glamorous as popular television shows—like Ally McBeal and Law & Order—portray.
First and foremost, students can plan on studying for about 7.25 years: four years of undergraduate work, three more years for law school, and then three long, hard months of studying for the bar exam.
I personally don’t think any one undergraduate degree is best in preparing you for law school. Consider what type of law you’re interested in and focus on a degree in that particular field. Traditionally, liberal arts majors are precursors to law school; however, business backgrounds can be just as advantageous.
More important than what undergrad degree to obtain is the need to take college seriously and obtain a high GPA; the higher the GPA, the more likely to be accepted to law school.
Another factor for acceptance into law school is the LSAT exam. The LSAT is similar to the SAT, only on a higher level. A combination of a good LSAT score and a good GPA will ensure admittance into the law school of your choice and perhaps an opportunity to reduce the 7.25 years. Some schools offer 3/3 programs in which the last year of undergraduate school is actually the first year of law school. To be admitted to such programs, both GPA and
LSAT scores must be even higher.
Once in law school, there is an old adage that says the first year they scare you to death, the second year they work you to death, and the third year they bore you to death. For the most part this is true…all except for the third year. I wouldn’t consider the third year boring at all. You take a portion of the bar exam dealing with ethics called the MPRE, and you have the bar exam looming in the near future.
Overall, most of a law student’s time is spent reading. For every hour spent in class, one spends about two to three hours outside of class studying. Obtaining high grades in law school is very important, especially if you want job offers. The better your rank within the class, the better job opportunities you will get.
There are many job opportunities that a law degree can provide, but there are two things that students should consider before pursuing law school. First are the loans that come with getting the degree. Law school can cost about $90,000, which doesn’t include any costs incurred for undergraduate school. Second is that being a lawyer is not always as glamorous or exciting as it appears in movies like A Few Good Men or The Firm. Many attorneys spend most of their time outside of the courtroom researching and writing, not in high-profile trials.
Although this may appear to be a slightly negative point of view, I hope you have a better idea of what law school requires and what your future may entail. Always consider every point of view before making your final decision. Best of luck to you in planning your future.