in addition, in order to compare the performance of the proposed sampling plan with the traditional variables single sampling plan, the ASN curves for the variables single sampling plan and the proposed sampling plan under symmetric and asymmetric are displayed in Figs. 2 and 3, respectively. It can be observed that the difference in ASN values between the variables single sampling plan and the proposed sampling plan becomes larger as LQL decreases either for symmetric case or asymmetric case. This implies that the proposed plan will give the same protection with the minimum inspection so that the time and cost of inspection will greatly be reduced especially for cases when the process fraction of defectives is required very low.
Furthermore, the probability of acceptance for the traditional variables single sampling plan and the proposed resubmitted sampling plan with two cases are also calculated. Table 3 displays the probability of acceptance for the single sampling plan and the proposed sampling plan for various values of LQL when AQL = 0.001 under the symmetric case. And, the probability of acceptance for the single sampling plan and the proposed sampling plan under the asymmetric case are showed in Table 4. It can be observed from Tables 3 and 4 that the probability of acceptance for the proposed sampling scheme in either symmetric or asymmetric case is larger than the probability of acceptance of the variables single sampling plan. This implies that the proposed sampling plan is superior to the variables single acceptance sampling plan in terms of the probability of acceptance so that the producer’s risk can be minimized under the same conditions.