His whole soul had almost become frozen. Is this fellow still human?
How could he not die from such an attack?
“From my childhood until now, in all the 1328 big or small battles that I have fought in, no one has ever managed to injure my face. No one ever did. You are the first.” The Marquis of Zi Jin slowly took off his top garment and revealed a body full of scars. there were hundreds of scars on his body overlapping on top of each other. However, compared to his body, there was not a single scar on his face. The Marquis of Zi Jin pointed at five of the scars on his chest that had already healed, “This was left by Ye Hou during our battle that time. She had almost killed me, but fortunately, I managed to escape quickly. But even at that time, the situation wasn’t as dangerous as today… You are the first person that could threaten my life to such an extreme. I would never have thought that I could die by your hands… Just a little, if you were stronger by just a little bit more, I would definitely be in danger today.”
“Are you not human?” Yue Yang was 90% sure in his heart that this person was not a human being. That was why the method that he had used to counter against human would not work on him.
“I admit that I have wrongfully underestimated you. That’s why I was almost killed. But fortunately, you have also underestimated me.” The Marquis of Zi Jin’s voice was gentle, as if he was speaking to a friend, completely without a trace of anger.
Yue Yang’s heart froze, he immediately summoned his Silver Grimoire and erected his shield.
This Marquis of Zi Jin was really too abnormal.
In this kind of situation, he should never be careless.