I did not tell anyone about the upper salary. Although when Aj. Jeremy came to my office to talk about the contract, I told him about the « Lecturer Awards » you sent me an email about recently because I thought he was also part of this program (I haven’t quite understood what it is and if it is the same thing). But I didn’t give him any details: I said that from what I understood we qualified for these awards and that I didn’t know what it is, maybe a bonus I said.
I hope I didn’t make a mistake by telling him that, but if I did, I can find something else to tell him to make it right. He seemed to be stressed by the money, that’s why I told him about the Awards.
I am in my office all of today as I have no class, so feel free to stop by if you need to talk to me. I forgot to take my passport with me but I have my work permit so I will start making photocopies for the visa.
Best regards,