The required weights were elicited from the DM by MCPUIS, being automatically re-scaled so that they sum to 100 to facilitate the analysis. Using this weight information, those two methods ranked the top two alternatives similarly. The comparison of the alternatives with the ELECTRE I method is represented bymeans of an oriented “outranking graph” displaying the outranking relationships established. These relationships do not need to be neither transitive nor complete. In our problem, alternative 3 “outranks” alternatives 1 and 2,while alternative 4 is incomparablewith any other alternative according to the information and parameters provided. MCPUIS displays like that in Fig. 3 compare the alternatives via their “aggregated” performance as appraised by one or more of the MCDA methods. MCPUIS also includes graphical displays to help the DM assessing the alternatives via their performance on the individual criteria. Fig. 4 shows two displays for aiding a direct comparison of alternatives in the criterion space - columns graph and BAGAL [4]. BAGAL has an axis radiating out from the origin like the spokes of a wheel for each of the 10 criteria.