Recovery Physical Therapy is proud to now offer the new advanced Biodex System 4 Pro multi-joint Isokinetic machine that provides consistent and accurate objective data addressing muscular imbalances in both the upper and lower extremity injuries.
Biodex Isokinetic testing provides physicians and their patients valuable information about strength deficits and muscle imbalances that may predispose a particular joint to further injury. Information obtained through the test provides physical therapists with baseline objective data to compare with follow-up testing upon completion of the rehabilitation program.
Easy to read charts with color graphic reports interpret and compare the patient’s status to normative data revealing specific deficits about a patient’s injury, which help communicate information in simple terms for patients, doctors, third party payers and employers.
It is an effective tool that provides insight as to when a patient can safely progress to more functional activities or even return to work or play. The on-screen charts and graphics track performance (i.e. range of motion, muscle strength), which help motivate the patient and encourage compliance.
What else can the Biodex do?
The Biodex has a continuous passive motion exercise mode that allows us to move the patient’s injured limb in a safe passive and comfortable manner that does not exert forces or exceed specified limits ordered by your physician. Continuous passive motion permits the earliest postoperative intervention helping to decrease joint effusion (swelling) and increase range of motion to the effected joint.
The Biodex also provides isometric exercise, isotonic exercise, and isokinetic exercise. Isometric exercise is a mode that provides safe baseline strength testing before and after surgery.
Isotonic exercise provides resistance at a constant force while allowing velocity to vary; a mode that safely mimics functional activities while providing patients with quantitative feedback.
Isokinetic exercise used on the Biodex recruits the largest number of muscle fibers than any other method of exercise and provides the safest way to load a muscle contraction to its maximal capability through the entire range of motion as it accommodates to pain, fatigue and leverage.
When a patient applies resistance to the Biodex, the resistance is in direct proportion to his or her own effort. This accommodating resistance allows for safe and efficient strengthening or testing without compromising the healing or surgical repair of an injury. Patients will never experience more resistance than the effort they are capable of applying.
Biodex Isokinetic exercise used at higher speeds minimizes joint compression forces, while strengthening muscles. Current medical research provides evidence to support the Biodex eccentric training program to be the most effective treatment for tendon injuries (i.e. Achilles tendonitis, patella tendonitis, tennis elbow).
The Biodex at Recovery Physical Therapy also provides pre-season screening, injury prevention and enhances athletic performance.