In this paper, the wind energy potential of Vesleskarvet in Antarctica is assessed and the possibility of
meeting the energy needs of South African's SANAE IV located in Vesleskarvet using the wind resource of
the site is presented. The data used for the study consists of daily average wind speed, temperature and
atmospheric pressure collected over a period of eleven years (2001–2012) at an anemometer height of
10 m. The data is obtained from South African Weather Services and the analysis is performed using
statistical approach. Some commercially available wind turbine ranging from 10 kW to 1650 kW are
simulated using HOMER simulation software in different scenario to determine the combination of wind
turbine, battery and power electronic converter that could meet the electrical energy demand of SANAE
IV with lowest Net Present Cost (NPC) and the Cost of Energy (COE) over 25 year life cycle of the project.
The results show that Vesleskarvet has exceptional wind resource with average wind speed of 10.9 m/s
and standard deviation of 6.3 m/s. The minimum wind speed in the period under study is 0 m/s and
maximum value of 41.9 m/s. The average wind potential density (2001–2001) is 1650 W/m2
optimization result reveals that 15 numbers of PGE20/25 wind turbine with rated power of 25 kW, hub
height of 25 m, cut in wind speed of 3.5 m/s, rated wind speed of 9 m/s and cut-out wind speed of 25 m/s
seems suitable to meet the electrical energy demand of SANAE IV with NPC of $1,336,262, operating cost
of $976,500 and COE of $0.102.