The presence and location of stroke lesion were include as physiological variables, they have been indentified both as predictive of recurrent stroke and influencing executive cognitive function. Self-efficacy, a personal variable, refers to an individual's beliefs that they are capable of organizing and executing actions needed to achieve given levels of attainment. And beliefs are specific to task informed by past experience, and represent a person's belief that they can succeed in a desired behaviors.
Depression, as a personal and population variable has been reported to be prevalent in stroke population and an independent risk factor for morbidity and mortality. Moreover, depression has been linked non-adherence to treatment.
The expert identified the difficulties that patients had in attending the SPC and diagnostic test appointments without family support when they were unable to drive offer stroke and they were supported by family physicians.
There processes resulted in the study received standard nursing assessment, neurological consultation and, if indicated booking for diagnostic procedures. The study was approved by the health agencies.
Multiple screening measures of cognition were administered and include were two general measures: the mini (MMSE) and modified Mini-Mental (3MS) examinations too.