information, knowledge, and ideas‖ (S1.10), another participant suggested that ―some of the ways information is provided to [team members]‖ (S4.15) is most challenging because ―different teams do not understand what the needs of other teams are‖ (S4.6). To resolve the lack of understanding, participant I5 proposed that team members ―debrief with each other as needed.‖ Participant I1 concluded, ―With debriefs we get [team] input, support, and [we can] strengthen our skills.‖ Focus group participants validated that meetings and debriefings were a valuable communication tool. One participant stated, ―Team members used to have a voice at meetings . . . when we were a much smaller organization‖ (FG4). Another participant suggested that ―maybe we need to change the format of the team meetings‖ (FG5). Participant FG4 elaborated, ―We could give everyone a voice at meetings however, we would need to give everyone a time limit and . . . if team members came prepared to speak, everyone could have a voice‖ (FG4). Participant FG3 suggested, ―There is a possibility to have different teams meet one-on-one . . . not formal . . . just sharing between the teams.‖ Participant FG5 added, ―To enhance teamwork and collaboration, I think they [meetings and debriefings] need to be a round table format where they [team members] are face-to-face.‖
Teambuilding retreats. The importance of teambuilding was reflected in the quantitative data through the responses to survey question 3; participants revealed that 66.6% often or always enjoyed working on team-based activities (see Figure C3 in Appendix C). While participants considered team-based activities valuable, survey question 24 identified that only 46.7% of the participants were satisfied with how teamwork was promoted within the organization (see Figure C15 in Appendix C). The following comments revealed that there is an opportunity for JFSC to promote teambuilding activities: ―activities or retreats [and] general teambuilding on a less formal basis would be fun‖ (I4), ―we need to nurture social relationships‖