By this short description several reasons as to why
it is correct to name IP Stream as a costly two-way
connection are presented. Moreover, it is possible to
understand how it’s more likely to show failure during
events for numerous users in comparison to a
traditional TV Broadcast. This latter does not need to
duplicate content for each user, transmit packets to
each customer address, monitor every single consumer
connection, adapt its video quality or relay a
collection of complex servers architecture closer to
viewers as in a CDN strategy. In a few words, it is
valuable to point out that TV Broadcast is a simpler
one-way communication. To watch it and have a good
quality, users basically require a good Signal-to-Noise
Ratio (SNR) and syntonize (tune) into the desired
channel’s frequency band. A satisfactory SNR means
that the signal (wanted information) possesses a
significative higher power than noise (unwanted
signal or interference) and a frequency band is a
portion of the spectrum. To illustrate this with a
practical example, it is known that a digital TV
channel in Brazil occupies a 6 Mhz frequency length
and a satisfying SNR for it is about 22dB; keep in
mind that Brazil’s digital TV standard is the ISDB-T
or 'Integrated Services Digital Broadcasting
Terrestrial', this transmission tecnology presents a
coverage of 46.8%, considering the country’s inhabitants
and should be present in the entire country before 2016
(Tanenbaum and Wetherall, 2010; Octoshape and
T-Mobile, 2014; Stolfi, 2008; AAT, 2012).
By this short description several reasons as to whyit is correct to name IP Stream as a costly two-wayconnection are presented. Moreover, it is possible tounderstand how it’s more likely to show failure duringevents for numerous users in comparison to atraditional TV Broadcast. This latter does not need toduplicate content for each user, transmit packets toeach customer address, monitor every single consumerconnection, adapt its video quality or relay acollection of complex servers architecture closer toviewers as in a CDN strategy. In a few words, it isvaluable to point out that TV Broadcast is a simplerone-way communication. To watch it and have a goodquality, users basically require a good Signal-to-NoiseRatio (SNR) and syntonize (tune) into the desiredchannel’s frequency band. A satisfactory SNR meansthat the signal (wanted information) possesses asignificative higher power than noise (unwantedsignal or interference) and a frequency band is aportion of the spectrum. To illustrate this with apractical example, it is known that a digital TVchannel in Brazil occupies a 6 Mhz frequency lengthand a satisfying SNR for it is about 22dB; keep inmind that Brazil’s digital TV standard is the ISDB-Tor 'Integrated Services Digital BroadcastingTerrestrial', this transmission tecnology presents acoverage of 46.8%, considering the country’s inhabitantsand should be present in the entire country before 2016(Tanenbaum and Wetherall, 2010; Octoshape andT-Mobile, 2014; Stolfi, 2008; AAT, 2012).
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