Clownpiece is a character from Touhou, a series of popular japanese games involving filling your screen with colorful and deadly projectiles.
Clownpiece is a mischievous little fairy straight outta Hell with the ability to drive people completely insane by looking at her magic torch. She can also use this madness to increase the strength of other fairies and herself.
Nobody really knows why she appeared in these forsaken lands. Some people speculate that she's here to free these lands from the shadow creatures that have been consuming this world and unite all the settlements together into a powerful empire.
- Stats -
Health: 120
Hunger: 120
Sanity: 120
- Perks -
[Freedom Fighter]
You must fight even in the face of overwhelming odds.
You take less damage the lower your Health is.
You can't fight for Liberty on an empty stomach.
Increased overall Hunger Drain.
You move slower depending on how Hungry you are.
[Mad Jester]
Teach the fools about who gets the last laugh.
Killing enemies restores a small amount of Sanity.
Whenever you take damage from an enemy, you lose Sanity as well.
[Flame of Justice]
Wielding a lit Torch infuses you with the power of JUSTICE.
Greatly increases your attack power to smite enemies.
Provides a large aura of light and warmth.
Upgrades a regular torch you equip into a Magic Torch while holding it.
All other weapons you can equip are less effective.
- Weakneses -
Average stats with only small boosts from perks.
It can take just a few enemy hits to completely drain your Sanity.
You're more dependant on crafting and using torches over other items and weapons.
There are no cheeseburgers in the game, yet.