Ready for ASEAN or not?
10 มิถุนายน 2013 เวลา 9:44 น.
Soon we and other nine neighbor will go into ASEAN Community.This means that we have only a political boundary. But we can have free trade, we will travel and trade with neighboring countries easily. How we need to prepare ourselves.
Thailand is the one of largest country in ASEAN countries with a population of approximately 70 million people. We have a community population of 8.6% of the world population.
We currently have only ASEAN Community. Of course, there may be non-ASEAN countries to join, they are such as Japan, Korea, China orIndia.
As such we have to prepare to improve language skill. Today there areforeign language school,it's a good thing.
Some nationalist’s grievance for prosperity of the community.
Wehave often ignore on neighboring countries such as Laos, Cambodia,and Burma. Today, these countries have a lot of labor is available.They are hard working and ready to come to our labor market, the Factory that want to reduce costs. It is very convenience to getlabor to do the job
Learn what people think, to know what they know is good. To study languages of neighboring countries, presently many Burmese people study Thai language at Chulalongkorn University more than Thai people study Burmese language. Let us see our differences; view of our country should be open more to learning neighbor’s languages. Many Koreans work at Pluak Daeng, Rayong, Map Ta Phut can speak Thai language. They do not need Thai interpreters. What can we do?
Let us see the different view point, e.g. we have a good farming, a great tourists’ attraction, and also arts and culture. Culture is the root of Thai way of life. We should cultivate Thai culture to the children of Thailand.
Some historians’ pages have created a cleavage between Thailand and neighboring countries. We have to forget it. Japan had attacked Nanking. Today, the Chinese trade with Japanese to help each other.Thailand had burned Vientiane. Laos and Thailand are friendly to each other until now. As Myanmar is a new open country in the ASEAN with resources. We must find how to benefit from them.
So,to entering The ASEAN, we must think of ourselves first, whether weare ready or not and to safe the interests of the nation as well asthe benefit from its neighbors. We learn what is in neighbors’brains, roots or not? That is the answer, along with Thailand’sentry into The ASEAN.