As mentioned earlier, the term business case refers to the reasons, or justification, for a
proposal. A business case should be comprehensive, yet easy to understand. It should
describe the project clearly, provide the justification to proceed, and estimate the project’s
financial impact. ProSci’s BPR Online Learning Center, as shown in Figure 2-7, offers a
Business Case Tutorial Series. According to ProSci, the business case should answer questions such as the following:
• Why are we doing this project?
• What is the project about?
• How does this solution address key business issues?
• How much will it cost and how
long will it take?
• Will we suffer a productivity loss
during the transition?
• What is the return on investment
and payback period?
• What are the risks of doing the
project? What are the risks of not
doing the project?
• How will we measure success?
• What alternatives exist?
This section discusses reasons for systems
projects and the internal and external
factors that affect systems projects. The section also includes a preview of project management, which is discussed in detail in Chapter 3