cost estimate
This information is used to identify areas where
corrective action could be undertaken to prevent future
problems. It can also identify the number of subcontractor
trades involved in a particular quality failure
event. Data about each subcontract value and program
can also be found from the contractor, as it is available
from the project administration IS.
4.3. Who was the cause?
Rework caused by a project team member may add
quality costs to other participants. Though, this does
not always imply blame. For example, a detailed
design without complete information may be considered
appropriate, given the degree of uncertainty associated
with complex projects, and then it is inevitable
that some rework will occur. However, it is also
inevitable that some participants will have to take
responsibility for the rework and bear its financial cost.
The participant who is allocated the direct cost of
rework can be identified by examining the contract
documentation and the contractor’s project administration
system. Burati et al. specifically noted that the
task (organisation) that causes the rework to occur
should be charged the costs for rectification, regardless
of what other tasks are affected.
4.4. How did it affect time?
Non-productive time is waste. It consists of inactivity
and ineffective work. Inactivity includes waiting
time, idle time, and travelling. Ineffectivework includes
rectifying mistakes and errors, working slowly and
inventing work. The aim of this category was to
determine the amount of non-productive activity
associated with rework. In both projects, the project
manager’s assistance was required to identify the
effect that rework had on each project’s construction
programme. For example, time waiting for design
queries to be answered, rectification time, and delay
(effect on the project’s critical path).