I just got home from work...
Crazy busy at work today... so many customers... Saturday always busy at Casino but today much busier than normal
I damaged my shoulder today... not sure what is wrong but I will have to go to physiotherapist on Monday...
... but dont worry... Im ok, just a little painful )
Im trying to organise holidays... about 5 of my friends want to come and holiday with me over in Thailand so trying to organise a time with each of them... so difficult lol
My dog and i thankyou for your get well wishes )
Oh... say hello to your parents from me
What did you have for lunch and what movie did you watch?
Im just feeding the dogs now... otherwise they may just decide to eat me instead... they look very hungry
And i think i will watch the new movie Godzilla tonight at home... havent seen it yet but some friends say it is ok...
I hope you and your parents have a wonderful time
Will chat to you very soon
take care dear
Big hug from me
Michael xxx