I am writing to you in response to your advertisement for a Flight Attendant position at THAI Airways International, which appeared in the thaicabincrew.com. After reviewing through your requirements and job description in detail, I found myself a suitable match for this job. Due to my relational, enthusiastic and dynamic customer service and hospitality skills, I am confident in my ability to integrate effectively into your crew.
I graduated B.A. (Business English) from Buriram Rajabhat University. With my experiences and skills in the hospitality and tourism industry, my love to share experiments effectively inside a team, to build up and offer support and services to the people of different nationalities and cultures motivate me to select the occupation of flight attendant. I believe that I can serve the passengers and ensure their pleasant, comfort and safety well in THAI Airways International.
I would welcome the chance to meet with you to discuss about this position and how my education, experience and skills would be beneficial for THAI Airways International. You can reach me at 095-227-467 or via email at gogingg@hotmail.com. Thank you for your time and consideration.