The concatenated data set of all codons of COI, 16S rRNA and 28S rRNA (1641 bp) had 46.3% GC content [range 44.79% GC to 48.87% GC. x² test = 87.342328 d.f. = 267, P= 1.000 ], with 535 (32.6%) parsimony ivformative and 689 (41.9%) variable sites. The results of a partition homogeneity test by PAUP 4.0b10, using 100 replicates (Swofford, 2003) showed no significant differences were found between markers (P = 0.095). The result of the DAMBE test did not detect saturation in the sequences. The results showed an 1ss value of 0.298, which was significantly lower than the critical saturation value (Iss.c) of 0.779 for a symmetrical and 0.501 for an asymmetrical tree topology, P < 0.0001. Moreover, the saturation plot did not show evidence of saturation. The uncorrected p-distance between the taxa ranged from 0.000 to 0.217 [inter/intraspecific p-distances = 0.082 and 0.025, respectively]. A summary of the molecular data is shown in Tables 2 and 3.