Asthma education should cover the following areas: (i) the goals of asthma treatment, namely, achieving effective and sustained asthma control by long-term standardized treatments; (ii) the etiology and underlying mechanism of asthma; (iii) avoidance of risk factors; (iv) long-term asthma treatment; (v) introduction of inhalers and instructions for manipulation; (vi) self-monitoring: how to keep and interpret an asthma diary (see Figure 4 for a sample sheet of asthma diary), including symptom scores, medication use, PEF measurements, and results of the ACT; (vii) signs of an impending attack, presentations of asthma, what to do and when to see a doctor; (viii) knowledge about asthma medications; (ix) how to assess asthma control levels and choose proper regimen based on self-monitoring; and (x) the role of mental factors in the development of asthma.