2.2. Fermentation
White cabbage heads (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) cv.
Storema RZ and cv. Lennox, which had been grown under standard
conditions and harvested in October 2012, were donated by Rijk
Zwann Company, Marne, Germany. Three cabbage heads were
used from each cultivar, after removing core and outer layers, the
cabbage heads were shredded into 2–3 mm thick slices using a
food processor (Major Classic KM 800, Kenwood). The shredded
plant material was mixed well with 0.9% salt and transferred into
fermentation pots (150 mL glass containers with lid). The salted
cabbage material was tightly pressed into the pots, pots were
closed and placed into vacuum desiccators and kept under vacuum
for 5 min to remove residual air. The pots were kept at 19–20 C
throughout fermentation and when a pH value of about 4.0 was
reached (Day 9), the pots were stored in a refrigerator and continuously
2.2. FermentationWhite cabbage heads (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata) cv.Storema RZ and cv. Lennox, which had been grown under standardconditions and harvested in October 2012, were donated by RijkZwann Company, Marne, Germany. Three cabbage heads wereused from each cultivar, after removing core and outer layers, thecabbage heads were shredded into 2–3 mm thick slices using afood processor (Major Classic KM 800, Kenwood). The shreddedplant material was mixed well with 0.9% salt and transferred intofermentation pots (150 mL glass containers with lid). The saltedcabbage material was tightly pressed into the pots, pots wereclosed and placed into vacuum desiccators and kept under vacuumfor 5 min to remove residual air. The pots were kept at 19–20 Cthroughout fermentation and when a pH value of about 4.0 wasreached (Day 9), the pots were stored in a refrigerator and continuouslyanalysed.
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