In distilled deionised water and 1.0 M brine, the
amounts of extractable astaxanthin ranged from
0.060.01-0.290.07 mg kg1 mince and from
0.230.01 to 0.830.12 mg kg1 mince, respectively,
(Fig. 4). In both distilled deionised water and 1.0 M
brine a slight decrease in astaxanthin extractability from
pH 6.25 to pH 6.50 was observed, followed by an
increase in extractability from pH 6.50 to pH 7.50. The
correlations (R2) between extracted proteins, (Table 2),
and astaxanthin in distilled and deionised water and 1.0
M brine, (Fig. 4), were 0.84 and 0.64, respectively.