The concept of capacity building for public health has gained much
attention during the last decade. National as well as international
organizations increasingly focus their efforts on capacity building to
improve performance in the health sector. During the past two
decades, a variety of conceptual frameworks have been developed
which describe relevant dimensions for public health capacity. Notably,
these frameworks differ in design and conceptualization. This paper
therefore reviews the existing conceptual frameworks and integrates
them into one framework, which contains the most relevant dimensions for public health capacity at the country- or regional level. A comprehensive literature search was performed to identify frameworks
addressing public health capacity building at the national or regional
level. We content-analysed these frameworks to identify the core
dimensions of public health capacity. The dimensions were subsequently synthesized into a set of thematic areas to construct a conceptual framework which describes the most relevant dimensions for
capacities at the national- or regional level. The systematic review
resulted in the identification of seven core domains for public health
capacity: resources, organizational structures, workforce, partnerships, leadership and governance, knowledge development and country specific context. Accordingly, these dimensions were used to construct a framework, which describes these core domains more in
detail. Our research shows that although there is no generally agreedupon model of public health capacity, a number of key domains for public health and health promotion capacity are consistently recurring in
existing frameworks, regardless of their geographical location or thematic area. As only little work on the core concepts of public health capacities has yet taken place, this study adds value to the discourse
by identifying these consistencies across existing frameworks and by
synthesising them into a new framework. The framework proposed in
this paper can act as a theoretical guide for academic researchers and
institutions to set up their own public health capacity assessment.
The concept of capacity building for public health has gained muchattention during the last decade. National as well as internationalorganizations increasingly focus their efforts on capacity building toimprove performance in the health sector. During the past twodecades, a variety of conceptual frameworks have been developedwhich describe relevant dimensions for public health capacity. Notably,these frameworks differ in design and conceptualization. This papertherefore reviews the existing conceptual frameworks and integratesthem into one framework, which contains the most relevant dimensions for public health capacity at the country- or regional level. A comprehensive literature search was performed to identify frameworksaddressing public health capacity building at the national or regionallevel. We content-analysed these frameworks to identify the coredimensions of public health capacity. The dimensions were subsequently synthesized into a set of thematic areas to construct a conceptual framework which describes the most relevant dimensions forcapacities at the national- or regional level. The systematic reviewresulted in the identification of seven core domains for public healthcapacity: resources, organizational structures, workforce, partnerships, leadership and governance, knowledge development and country specific context. Accordingly, these dimensions were used to construct a framework, which describes these core domains more indetail. Our research shows that although there is no generally agreedupon model of public health capacity, a number of key domains for public health and health promotion capacity are consistently recurring inexisting frameworks, regardless of their geographical location or thematic area. As only little work on the core concepts of public health capacities has yet taken place, this study adds value to the discourseby identifying these consistencies across existing frameworks and bysynthesising them into a new framework. The framework proposed inthis paper can act as a theoretical guide for academic researchers andinstitutions to set up their own public health capacity assessment.
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