10.01 : Just make it up!
10.04 : Yes, just keep making it up.
10.06 จีน่า : Why is it 6 already?
10.08 : It’s ok if you want to do 4!
10.09 : Do what you want to!
10.10 จี : We didn’t make something for 4, right? เราไม่มีท่าสำหรับ 4 ใช่มั้ย
10.11 : You need to exaggerate it more, Parkha yah!
10.14 จี: With a little unattractiveness?
10.16: That’s right! อย่างนี้แหละ
10.17 : A little…Because our song is like that. นิดหน่อย เพลงที่เราจะเปิดก็คล้ายๆกันนี่แหละ
10.19 : Anyway, it’s not like there broadcasting all of this right? มันไม่ได้เป็นแบบนี้หมดใช่ป่ะ
10.20: Of course!
10.21 : Of course it’ll all be broadcasted.
he two gold-bedecked actresses on the front of our annual Hollywood Issue cover, Reese Witherspoon and Amy Adams, actually go way back. In this video conversation with Vanity Fair’s senior west coast editor Krista Smith, the two remember meeting at a pool party in the late 90s (“I was like, ‘Roger, who’s the hot girl by your pool?’” Reese recalls) and the best advice they’ve gotten about the industry. Reese also passes on some great advice when Amy can’t think of a good answer to a question